University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: Instabilities in the Wake of Roughness on a Flat Plate in a Quiet Supersonic Tunnel

Abstract: Roughness-induced transition is an unavoidable reality in practical high-speed vehicles. Typical prediction of transition due to roughness include algebraic correlations and, more recently, semi-empirical methods. In the NASA Langley Research Center Supersonic Low Disturbance Tunnel, a Mach 3.5 quiet tunnel, several transition experiments have been performed in the past decade to better understand the […]

University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: Discrete Roughness Boundary-Layer Transition at Hypersonic Conditions

Boundary layer transition at hypersonic conditions is a critical design concern for all future high-speed missions and vehicles.  As part of the vehicle design process, accurate methods are needed to predict transition behavior in flight, in order to correctly model the aerothermodynamic environments used to size a hypersonic vehicle’s thermal protections system.  In almost every […]

University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: Probing the Hypersonic Flight Environment with Ground-based Diagnostics

Abstract: The Livermore Independent Diagnostic Scoring System (LIDSS), aka “The Livermore Navy,” is a deployable suite of rafts, UAV’s, cameras, hydrophones, and radar that is used to gather remote sensed data for flight tests. Originally founded to assess the accuracy of nuclear stockpile ICBM tests, the scope of LIDSS’ mission has grown over the last […]

JHTO/UCAH Hypersonic Community Career and Networking Social

This event will provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics and network with UCAH researchers at the AIAA SciTech conference. The conference will be held in the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center. Light refreshments will be served. JHTO/UCAH Hypersonic Community Career and Networking Social Wednesday, January […]

University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: High Temperature Materials Focus at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Abstract:The materials teams at LLNL have a unique focus on high temperature materials synthesis and analysis. The high-performance materials (HPM) group is focused on next generation material design for architected systems, along with high temperature composites for applications such as apertures, vehicle materials, leading edge fabrication, and component interfaces. During this talk we will discuss […]

University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: Efficient Aero-Database Construction with Weighted Active Learning

Abstract: Constructing a well-characterized aero-database is essential for understanding the flight characteristics of a vehicle. High-fidelity CFD simulations can be time-consuming to generate. Generating samples in an efficient manner can greatly reduce the total simulation time. In practice, standard approaches often consider the whole space to be equally important, but there are many situations where […]

University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: Counterintelligence within Academia

Abstract: For years, adversaries have been utilizing counterintelligence exploitation techniques to gain access to organizational and government information. These attempts have increased in ferocity with new techniques being developed on a daily basis.  As the largest defense contractor in the world, Lockheed Martin is far from exempt from this targeting. As Counterintelligence Professionals, our role […]

UCAH Seminar Series: Hypersonic Guidance, Navigation, & Control (GNC) Challenges towards Mission Capability by Dr. Timothy Jorris

Abstract:The hypersonic domain introduces new constraints within multiple disciplines; aerodynamics, thermal protection/management, aeroheating, materials, structures, controls, sensors, and energy management. A GNC challenge is to find a feasible solution satisfying all the hypersonic constraints while also optimizing the mission objective. To further exacerbate the problem, a real-time onboard solution must compensate for uncertainties in propulsion, […]

UCAH Seminar Series: Materials ICME at the Pace Relevance for Accelerated Design and Process by Dr. Jeffery Aguiar

Abstract: One of the most active fields across all fundamental to applied sciences and engineering disciplines is the use of information, knowledge, and computing. Whether it be controlling size, shape, and chemistry of materials, automating collection and analysis of on-the-fly data test day, the precise and predictive use of digitization and information, all are equally […]

JHTO/UCAH Hypersonic Community Career and Networking Social

This event will provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics and network with UCAH researchers at the AIAA SciTech conference. The conference will be held in the Manchester Grand Hyatt.   Light refreshments will be served. JHTO/UCAH Hypersonic Community Career and Networking Social Wednesday, June 14, 2023 6:00-8:00 […]