Abstract: The Department of Defense’s recent interest and prioritization of developing hypersonic systems has emphasized the need for new or improved test and evaluation capabilities in order to field such systems. The hypersonic flight regime presents several challenges to designers given the high temperatures and overall harsh environment that require novel materials, advanced propulsion systems, and robust control surfaces, among other technologies. To develop these new hypersonic systems and address the challenges associated with flight in this regime, advanced ground test facilities that can replicate or simulate hypersonic flight are required. In this development process, technologies are matured from early developmental phases to validated capabilities that are incorporated onto hypersonic systems. The early phases of this development cycle necessitate advanced science and technology (S&T) ground test infrastructure and capabilities in order to mature technologies to a state that can be integrated onto a hypersonic system. Through a rigorous roadmap process that analyzes test and evaluation (T&E) needs for hypersonic systems and translates them into requirements for technology development efforts, the DoD can make informed decisions on S&T ground test infrastructure requirements.
RSVP by 5:00 pm on January 1, 2022.
Tyler P. Neale is the Executing Agent for the Test Resource Management Center’s High Speed Systems Test (HSST) portfolio headquartered at Arnold Air Force Base, TN. He is responsible for the development of new and improved technologies, tools, and techniques for effective and timely test and evaluation (T&E) of hypersonic systems. Prior to leading HSST, Tyler served as a project and test engineer for several ground test efforts including multiple entries in the world-unique low-disturbance wind tunnel at Purdue University and the Air Force Research Laboratory’s RC-22 vitiated test facility. Tyler also led wind tunnel test entries supporting the DoD, NASA, Department of Energy, and commercial programs. Tyler holds a Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University.