Navy SSP Hypersonic Innovation Conference

US Navy Strategic Systems Programs, in partnership with the NavalX Midwest Tech Bridge, present the 2022 Hypersonic Innovation Conference. The 2022 Hypersonic Innovation Conference will emphasize the pressing need to advance American hypersonic technologies and leverage these technologies to achieve U.S. National Security goals. As nations around the world accelerate their development and production of hypersonic systems […]

22nd Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference

The United States and our Allies have been able to count on a decisive technological advantage for more than 40 years. In today’s complex world we see challenges to our technological superiority from multiple sources. Our competitors are investing in technologies and developing capabilities that are directly designed to counter U.S. warfighting advantages, while simultaneously […]

National Summit on Hypersonic Weapons Systems

American Conference Institute is proud to announce The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, 78th Secretary of the Navy, has joined as the opening keynote speaker at the upcoming National Summit on Hypersonic Weapons Systems, taking place April 26-27, in Washington, D.C.

Navy SSP Hypersonic Innovation Conference

US Navy Strategic Systems Programs, in partnership with the NavalX Midwest Tech Bridge, present the 2022 Hypersonic Innovation Conference. The 2022 Hypersonic Innovation Conference will emphasize the pressing need to advance American hypersonic technologies and leverage these technologies to achieve U.S. National Security goals. As nations around the world accelerate their development and production of hypersonic systems […]

Integrated Precision Warfare Review (IPWR-22)

The Integrated Precision Warfare Annual Review (IPWR-22) is principally focused on acquisition, policy, and programs to deliver precision capabilities that meet warfighter needs. The precision strike community recognizes the daunting threats facing U.S. and Allied forces around the globe while striving to deliver capabilities that are critical to the success of our men and women. […]

2022 Hypersonics Independent Research & Development Technology Interchange Meeting

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for May 2022! During the week of 23-27 May 2022, the Department of the Air Force Hypersonics S&T enterprise is hosting the 2022 Hypersonics Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Technology Interchange Meeting (TIM) at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.  This invitation is open to all industry partners with IR&D and corporate investments, including large […]

University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: Advancements in High Temperature Radome and Window Materials

Abstract: An overview of the advancements in research and development efforts at The University of Arizona on high-temperature, RF and IR, materials for application as radome and window material systems for hypersonic (platforms) will be discussed. Evaluation of high-temperature mechanical, electrical and toughness behavior of a recently developed class of RF materials shows potential for […]

Additive Manufacturing for U.S. Aerospace, Defense and Space Summit

Additive Manufacturing, or 3D printing, is quickly becoming a staple component of advanced manufacturing capability across the aerospace, space and defense industrial base. With this in mind, we are holding our first annual Additive Manufacturing for U.S. Aerospace, Defense and Space Summit on June 14-15 in Orlando, Florida. This senior and expert-led Summit will highlight the ongoing […]

University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics Seminar Series: BOLT II Project and Stratospheric Science

Abstract: High-speed boundary layer turbulence is the primary driver for thermal loads on high-speed vehicles. Much research has been conducted to study when, why and how the boundary layer transitions from laminar to turbulent. However, we lack a physics-based understanding of high-speed turbulent boundary layers. Therefore, the Boundary Layer Turbulence (BOLT II) In Memory of […]

AIAA Aviation Conference

There’s no shortage of challenges facing the aviation industry: the supply chain is at a pivotal point, there is a downturn in demand, environmental sustainability is critical, and experts warn of a growing talent shortage. At this inflection point, how do we turn setbacks into comebacks? We have the opportunity to reset expectations, redefine roles, […]

The NSMMS & CRASTE Joint Symposia

NSMMS and CRASTE, two space focused conferences, will co-locate events for the 10th year. These co-located Symposia continue their outstanding legacy in bringing together technologists, users, and decision makers from across the nation. Discussions involves key technology issues related to space, missile, hypersonic systems, and a variety of ground-breaking commercial space topics necessary for our […]

JHTO and UCAH Hypersonic Community Career and Networking Social

This event will provide students with an opportunity to learn more about the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics and network with UCAH researchers at the AIAA Aviation conference. The conference will be held in the Hilton Chicago, Continental Ballroom A. Light refreshments will be served. Register Now for the JHTO and UCAH Hypersonic Community Career […]